ARISTON, LLC is 3D Consulting. We serve our clients with more than the backbone of an estimating software package or an arguable engineering opinion. The market is full of those. Today, information is available at an exponential and alarming rate. We use that to our client’s advantage.

Our approach is holisitic, built around information and data development. That information development allows us to probe any opportunity for our clients to mitigate their financial exposure on large, complex, and aged insurance claims. We offer our clients a claims management and mitigation team that is boundaryless. ARISTON is versed in business, in litigation, in the insurance claims process, in architecture and engineering, in building envelope design and fenestration, in statistical probability theory (the foundation for the insurance industry itself) and of course, the construction industry itself.

How ARISTON is different. All of our competitors can offer estimating. Most can offer some degree of "cause and origin" expertise coupled with that estimate. Most stop there. ARISTON recognizes that the needs of the carrier, the adjuster and attorneys run much deeper.